Friday, November 14, 2008


C'mon you baby boomers retired or about to retire! Get up off that couch and take up a wholesome, outdoor, sport like trout fishing. When IBM did a study about their retired employees, they found that the average person only collected 18 monthly checks after retirement; and it was due to inactivity. See how


Anonymous said...

I am in trouble as it has been 18 months since I retired. Maybe I better take accelerated courses at TroutU so I can become more active faster.

JMaslar said...

Jim alias "Old Man" had this to say previously. "How do I know what a pool is?" Jim, that is a good question and I will attempt to answer.
To survive and reproduce, trout need water above 70 deg. F and it must have a gravel bottom. That type of stream has a steep gradient and typicaly is found in the mountains. As the water flows down the mountains, it creates deep pockets of water called pools.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I didn't know, the only places I fished around here are the Susqueanna river and the resoivor at Whitney Point dam.