When James Marsh, creator of the Perfect Flies line of flies and fly boxes called upon Trout University to build a fly box to contain an inventory of over 50,000 Perfect Flies and to be able to transport those flies to Townsend Tennessee for the annual TroutFest, it was a tall order to say the least. By the way, James line of Perfect Flies can be purchased right here at Trout University.
After several design iterations the Trout University engineers decided on an adjustable shelving arrangement capable of storing the individual boxes in 4 bays of 7 shelves each creating 28 openings that were 4 inches high by 15 ½ inches wide. The smaller boxes could be four to a shelf and the larger salt water fly boxes could be one to a shelf. The adjustable shelving system makes it possible to convert the height of the shelves to conserve space or to change the configuration as the need arises.
Be sure to check in at the Perfect Fly booth at the 2010 TroutFest in Townsend Tennessee, on May 15 and 16 to meet James as well as myself and to see the World’s largest fly box.