My son, the mechanical engineer is forever coming up with new ideas. A friend of his has had great success trout fishing for big browns using diving lures. So Steve had a light bulb go off! He turned his attention to combining the best effects of lures with the best effects of flies, and he invented the Diving Streamer.
Often times especially in swift water, it is difficult to get just the right amount of weight attached to the streamer causing it to get to the desired depth and yet be light enough to cast effectively. With the revolutionary and very light weight lip, the streamer is propelled to the bottom of the stream. This Diving Streamer is being developed with the purpose of trout fishing, however, its application could be very effective in fly fishing for strippers, large mouth bass, smallies, etc.
Please send me your thoughts. Aside from looking like Jimmy Durante,
is it worthy of additional testing and development or is it just crazy. jmaslar@bellsouth.net Here's Jimmy!