Saturday, March 28, 2009

Men of Valor Meet in Charlotte NC

This is the final weekend before our Men of Valor conference on April 4th. If you believe you men could use some encouragement, equipping, and fellowship with other men of God during these trying times, then please register for and attend this event.

Follow these links to check out the speakers and topics and the schedule of workshops.

Please join hundreds of men from our region for the Men of Valor discipleship conference at Central Church of God in Charlotte, NC, on April 4, 2009.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids and the Environment

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a site especially meant for teaching the children to be responsible with our environment. They have a creative interactive approach to teach the children about the environment with a selection of games, comic books, and cartoons. It also includes downloadable activity books, coloring books and more.
To learn about this and more go to Trout University Class 1012 Fishing With Kids, scroll down to Extra Credit and click on Environmental Kids Club.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mongo is where it is at, bring back the BAT!

I can remember the good 'ol days playing with the Mongo bat. It was a large, large plastic bat that was so ideal for playing ball with the entire family. With the Mongo bat, you could hardly miss the ball, and when hit, the ball went flying with super speed.
It was so versatile that it could be used with virtually any ball of soft material. the inventor said that it could even be used, in fact, developed for use with a tennis ball. However, the bats purchased from Wal Mart were not sturdy enough to be used with a tennis ball. No matter, I just want the Mongo back.

Playing with the family in a park or the back yard is more fun and more exercise than cyber exercise like Wii. This video of the Mongo Bat will demonstrate.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Waders: Now, The Rest of The Story!

If Paul Harvey were still alive that is what he would say about our wader experiences. When we went to Alaska, the neoprene waders were great, but in NC where the weather is mild, they are so uncomfortable. The lite weight waders that I bought last year were super lite and cool but my grandson borrowed them to fish in a ravine and when he brought them back, they were shredded beyond repair. They simply do not hold up to the NC underbrush.

However, we bought the Orvis Tailwaters XT waders at the Orvis Warehouse Sale for about $38 which is about 10 cents on the dollar, because they were refurbished. We took them out Saturday to the Great Smoky Mountains Natiopnal Park and they were great. As we crawled thru the underbrush to approach the wild trout, they did not even get a scratch. So, for NC mountains, you might consider purchasing those waders.