Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mongo is where it is at, bring back the BAT!

I can remember the good 'ol days playing with the Mongo bat. It was a large, large plastic bat that was so ideal for playing ball with the entire family. With the Mongo bat, you could hardly miss the ball, and when hit, the ball went flying with super speed.
It was so versatile that it could be used with virtually any ball of soft material. the inventor said that it could even be used, in fact, developed for use with a tennis ball. However, the bats purchased from Wal Mart were not sturdy enough to be used with a tennis ball. No matter, I just want the Mongo back.

Playing with the family in a park or the back yard is more fun and more exercise than cyber exercise like Wii. This video of the Mongo Bat will demonstrate.

1 comment:

Tom S said...

Your readers can read more about the Mongo Bat at I agree with you-- we need to BRING BACK THE BAT!